Starmax - manufacturer of outdoor outdoor gyms and playgrounds.
We are one of the first manufacturers of outdoor gyms and street workouts in Poland, and for several years we have been conquering world markets with our playground trampolines. As a manufacturer of outdoor gyms from Poland, we guarantee high quality and safety of the offered products. We are one of the longest operating companies on the market. Each device that comes off the production line is controlled with attention to the smallest details.
Starmax ul. Rycerska 3 83-050 Bąkowo k. Gdańsk woj. pomorskie |
Godziny otwarcia: pon-pt 8:00-16:00 |
Monika Suchodolska Doradca Klienta (woj. pomorskie, lubuskie, łódzkie, dolnośląskie, opolskie, śląskie, małopolskie) |
Marcin Goyke Doradca Klienta (woj. pomorskie, zachodnio-pomorskie, kujawsko-pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie) |
Jarosław Gawinkowski Doradca Klienta (woj. mazowieckie, podlaskie, lubelskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie) |
Denis Boyko Przedstawiciel Handlowy na rynki zagraniczne |
Klaudia Chylińska Przedstawiciel Handlowy na rynki zagraniczne |